
Distribution of food ration kits for 400 families in 25 villages

Categories: COVID Relief

Year(s): 2020

Location: Madhya Pradesh

In Madhya Pradesh, Samavesh works to empower women in the Harda District with skill-generation and economic opportunities such as working in local supermarkets and the flour mill, farming, goat and buffalo rearing, and sewing. While COVID-19 lockdowns limited income generation, many women in the village supported one another, donating vegetables to families in need, loaning food rations from the supermarkets, and making 300 masks free of charge. Community leaders also distributed health information and information on how to access government support schemes. IDS’ grant supported the distribution of food ration kits for 400 families in 25 villages.

Opening Hours
  • Monday - Tuesday
    9.00 - 17.00
  • Saturday
    9.00 - 16.00
  • Sunday