Perspectives from India and Chicago: Highlights

IDS was proud to co-sponsor a one-of-a-kind event on January 23, 2016: Perspectives from India and Chicago, a symposium of multi-media arts, academic experts, and community conversations around human rights in India and in Chicago. IDS was privileged to partner with ART WORKS, WBEZ’s Worldview, and the Chicago Community Trust (CCT) to host this event. Made possible with a grant from the Chicago Community Trust, the event brought Chicagoans together to talk about issues faced by women, children, and other vulnerable populations in India and parallel challenges in Chicago. Similarities between the regions were highlighted with an emphasis on promoting cross-cultural learning and engagement. Themes included community-led solutions to challenges in access to justice, education, and environmental resources. Over 100 people engaged in productive dialogue in panel discussions with speakers from both Chicago and India. WBEZ Worldview journalists, Steve Bynum and Jerome McDonnell, did a multi-media presentation about their IDS trip to India in the winter of 2015; this highlighted the positive impact in the community based on the grass-roots support that IDS provides to various NGOs in India. The event concluded with Indian flute melodies performed by local artists and a sumptuous Indian meal.

Click here to view highlights of the event.