IDS visited five villages in the Mandla district and gave feedback on project expansion in specified areas.
IDS funding helped support the Watershed Organization Trust (WOTR) as it continued its expansion of projects. The Nutrition and Education for Critical Age Group 0–5 Years project worked with five new villages in the district of Mandla: Barbati, Banar, Gadadevri, Mukhaskala, and Khinha. All the villages are located in the same vicinity and each village has two aanganbadis.
WOTR conducted a three-day training session for women that focused on health and hygiene. The core focus of the training addressed various issues related to mother and child health and hygiene habits. Malnutrition and the importance of monitoring child growth were included in the discussion topics. Women were taught the difference between healthy and undernourished child behavior and how health and nutrition affects a child’s school attendance and performance. The training session helped mothers become able to identify signs and symptoms of malnutrition in order to play a primary role in its prevention. During the training, participants were taught how to easily prepare nutritious meals with locally available foods.
Other WOTR projects include watershed development treatment such as water absorption trenches, continuous contour trenches, and drainage line treatment. In the villages of Banar, Barbati, and Gadadevri people have started to realize the impact of these projects by an increase in production, rising well water levels, and production in barrel lands.